Our program

Full descriptions of courses can be found in the Catalog and the requirements for the Major and Minor in philosophy can be found in Majors and Minors.

Philosophy course offerings are classified under several categories: Introductory, Logic, History of Philosophy, Global Philosophies, Ethics and Social Theory, Contemporary Areas and Movements, Culminating Undergraduate Experience (CUE) Seminars, and Individualized Instruction.

Introductory courses provide a broad-based exposure to issues that have stimulated philosophical inquiry.

Logic courses furnish the student with the reasoning skills necessary to critically analyze and logically formulate arguments.

History of Philosophy courses examine the ideas that have helped to shape the course of Western civilization.

Global Philosophies courses include both surveys and in-depth study of philosophical views originating outside North American and Western Europe.

Ethics and Social Theory courses include theoretical approaches and applied issues in moral, social, and political philosophy. 

Contemporary Areas and Movements courses include those covering major philosophical fields and post-19th century philosophy. 

Culminating Undergraduate Experience (CUE) Seminars are offered once yearly, typically in the Spring semester, on advanced topics.

Individualized Instruction includes independent study and internship opportunities.


Cognate Courses


Related program

For those primarily interested in political philosophy, an interdisciplinary Philosophy/Political Thought major is available. This major focuses primarily on American and Western European political philosophy, although some courses in Asian and other nonwestern approaches are available.  The PPT major integrates appropriate political science and philosophy courses to permit a comprehensive examination of the state and its functions, justification, and ideological foundations. The major is recommended especially for pre-law students, students interested in graduate study in this area, and those who will pursue careers in political policy.


Tad Robinson

Professor of Philosophy, Department Chair
Address Muhlenberg College Philosophy Moyer 307 2400 Chew Street Allentown, PA 18104