Public health graduates leave Muhlenberg with a true interdisciplinary perspective, equipped with knowledge and skills that they will bring into the workplace or graduate studies.

Alumni have gone on to schools of public health including Boston University, Brown, Columbia, Drexel, Emory, George Washington, Johns Hopkins, Michigan, Northwestern, and Yale.

Grads entering directly into the field have secured jobs at local, county, state, and government public health agencies, research institutions, and nonprofit organizations. Some have also served in the Peace Corps, AmeriCorps, CityCorps, and Teach for America. Public health opens doors to a broad range of fields beyond health as well. Muhlenberg public health graduates also have gone onto pursue law school and many other non-health related fields, such as psychology, political science and communication.

Where are they now?

Isabel Schwartz '21
Psychology major, public health minor

After I graduated from Muhlenberg, I started graduate school in Fall 2021 pursuing my master's in public health at the University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston- Austin Campus. My concentration is health promotion and health education, with a certificate in physical activity and health. This past summer, I had an internship as a health promotion/wellness intern at the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) in their Human Resources Department working with their Wellness Team. With the Wellness Team, I was able to implement wellness initiatives to promote the health and wellbeing of employees at TxDOT. My main project for the summer was to revise their employee 'Stretch & Flex' Program, which was aimed at reducing strains and sprains in the workplace. I am now in my final year of the program, and also have a part time internship as a community engagement/administrative intern with a nonprofit organization called 'BRAVE Communities', which aims to promote community engagement, build relationships, and encourage young women to share their voices to create more just and equitable communities.

Michael Rainone, class of 2020Michael Rainone '20
Public health major, philosophy minor

So it’s been sort of a fun ride [since graduation], mainly because I’ve been in a few health related environments to this point. I worked as a postgraduate associate under the section of Pulmonary, Critical Care and Sleep Medicine (PCCSM) at the Yale School of Medicine, particularly focusing on research and research coordination surrounding COVID-19. Secondly, I interned at Kujawski & Kujawski, PLLC, a medical malpractice law firm, mainly assisting in the research, development, and organization of medical, statistical, and legal materials and arguments. Thirdly, I worked under Muhlenberg alumna Caroline Blazovsky at her company, My Healthy Home, within business development.

All of this led me to starting at masters of public health at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, focusing specifically in public health policy and management, which I am currently at my practicum for the program. Hopkins' program distributes 2 years of academic work into the first year, leaving the second year exclusively for pragmatic experience. My practicum is based at TransformCare, Inc., a small boutique consulting firm where I act as a full-time Consultant contracted with the VA and DOD. They particularly focus on the fragmentation and leakage that exists within the VA system and how we can incentivize effective change.

Brittany Dube '17
Public health and psychology double major

After Muhlenberg, I went to Columbia University for my Masters of Public Health and specialized in health promotion research & practice. After graduation in 2019, I worked for a non-profit in a data and evaluation role. In 2021, I started in my current role at the Department of Health in Stamford, Connecticut. My title is Behavioral HealthHealth Promotion, and Emergency Response Specialist — it's a comination of community health, health education and emergcny preparedness.

Emily Sachs '17
Public health and a self-designed bioethics double major

After graduation, I went to law school at Vanderbilt and then clerked for a federal district court judge in Philadelphia. Now, I am living in D.C. and working as an associate at Latham & Watkins in the FDA Regulatory practice group.

Courtney Joseph '16 
Public health major

Upon graduating from Muhlenberg with a degree in public health, I accepted a position in the National Health Corps Florida AmeriCorps program in Jacksonville, Florida. I serve at Baptist Health Medical Center's Social Responsibility department as a Health Educator. Within this position, my main project is to coordinate the "8 Weeks to Healthy Living" initiative with faith-based partner organizations within the community that engage participants in nutrition education as well as physical activity. These classes occur once every week at each partner organization and for each location, I recruit a registered dietitian to speak for an hour on nutrition topics as well as a personal trainer to guide participants of varying abilities through an hour of exercise. We begin the 8 weeks with a "kick-off" health screening where participants have arm, leg, and waist measurements taken as well as weight, BMI, and glucose. They also have the opportunity to receive one-on-one counseling with a Baptist Health nurse about any health concerns. This mini health fair is replicated upon the completion of the 8 weeks to measure changes in biometrics.

Contact Public Health

Cristina Gonzalez

Administrative Assistant
Address Muhlenberg College Public Health 2400 Chew Street Allentown, PA 18104