Theatre & Dance Alumni:
You're an important member of the Theatre & Dance family! The Department — the faculty, the staff, and most importantly your peers — are the best professional network you have working for you. Use them!
Stay connected! Here's how:
Give us your news!
Keep us informed about your professional accomplishments and personal triumphs. We'll post your news on the News & Updates page, so that your friends and colleagues know what you're up to. When you've got big news, we'll let the community know about it through our social network and media contacts.
Also, check out the Alumni Profiles section. This feature will be updated periodically. If you'd like to be profiled, or you know someone else who should be featured on this page, let us know!
Just e-mail the Department or give us a call.
Stay in touch!
Join us on Facebook to connect with other alumni, current students, and fans, and to stay on top of current events in the Department.
Sign up for the mailing list to get the latest e-mail updates and season announcements from the Department.
Give back!
If you valued your Muhlenberg experience, please consider helping to make that same experience possible for the next generation of Theatre & Dance students. Make a gift to the Muhlenberg Fund! Every gift makes a big difference; in real, practical ways, it really is the thought that counts. (In other words, size really doesn't matter!) Please show your support! Thanks!
You can also give back by representing the Department at recruiting fairs and interviewing prospective students in your area. If you're interested, e-mail us!